Gear anime, also known as mecha anime, has been a popular genre in the world of animation for decades. With its vast array of dynamic and powerful characters, epic battles, and futuristic technology, gear anime has captured the hearts of fans around the globe. In recent years, there has been an influx of new titles in this genre, making it increasingly difficult to keep up with all the must-watch shows. That’s why we’ve gathered a list of chart-toppers – the best sellers in gear anime collections that you won’t want to miss.
First on our list is “Mobile Suit Gundam,” a groundbreaking series that kickstarted the mecha genre and set the standard for future shows. The original series follows protagonist Amuro Ray as he pilots his Mobile Suit RX-78-2 Gundam against rival factions in a war-torn Earth.
Next up is “Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion,” which combines elements of politics and strategy with intense action scenes. The series follows Lelouch Lamperouge as he plots to overthrow his tyrannical father and bring about a world free from oppression using his mysterious power called Geass.
“Neon Genesis Evangelion” takes a darker turn by delving into topics like mental health and human identity while still delivering epic battles between giant robots called Evangelions and monstrous beings known as Angels. Set in post-apocalyptic Japan, it tells the story of young Shinji Ikari as he reluctantly joins NERV’s fight against these powerful enemies.
For those looking for more light-hearted fare but still crave thrilling mech battles, “Gurren Lagann” is not to be missed. This action-packed series tells the tale of Simon and Kamina as they lead their team to fight against Spiral King Lordgenome’s tyrannical rule using their giant robot Gurren Lagann.
Fans looking for even more mech vs monster clashes should check out “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” Although this series is primarily known for its demon-slaying swordsmen, it also features some fantastic battles between the Demon Slayers and their powerful enemies using various gear.
“Macross Frontier” rounds out our list with its mix of sci-fi, romance, and music. The story follows aspiring singer Sheryl Nome as she joins pilot-in-training Alto Saotome to defend humanity against an alien race called the Vajra using their transforming fighter jets known as mecha.
Other honorable mentions in this genre include “Full Metal Panic!,” “Eureka Seven,” and “Pacific Rim: The Black.” These titles offer unique spins on traditional gear anime conventions while still delivering spectacular action sequences.
In conclusion, these chart-topping gear anime collections are a must-watch for any fan of the genre. They showcase everything that makes gear anime so appealing – intense battles, dynamic characters, and heart-wrenching stories. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the genre, these titles are sure to satisfy your appetite for epic mech vs monster showdowns. So get ready to buckle up for some high-speed mecha action as you watch these top sellers in gear anime collections.